How to select and remove multiple mail messages in yahoo mail

When enhanced mails are to be send and received, yahoo mail platform is widely used. There are numerous reasons why yahoo mail is used so widely. It provides enhanced mail oriented services, news portal, finance portal, trading information etc. Yahoo applications are all wonderful which brings in useful services for its users. Yahoo make sure that applications are used without any issue by its users and thus it makes them user friendly but if using anything on yahoo is difficult one may obtain easy help from Yahoo support number Yahoo is integral mail platform used by many users and thus it may be possible that multiple mails get to yahoo inbox. Sometimes, it is hard to manage mails in yahoo mail inbox. In such cases, yahoo brings in amazing features that let user manage mails easily. Yahoo thus let users select multiple mails at a time so that moving multiple mails in yahoo is easy. Once selected those mails can be moved to spam mail folder or directly to the junk m...